The Tango Collective
Produced by Juan Patricio GUIDA

A dance teacher at the Mecca of Tango “La Viruta”, Juan Guida came to Japan in 1998 bringing with him his fresh style. After teaching at the Argentine Tango Dance Association, he started Argentango Ltd. in order to promote the Tango in Japan at every level: As a Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer, Event and Milonga Organizer, and inviting guest dancers from abroad. Having been selected as a member of the jury for the Asian Round of the World Tango Competition every year since its inception, as well as the Japan World Tango Festival 2005, he is recognized as one of the most influential personalities of the Tango in Japan.
Quickly becoming the most charismatic and influential tango teacher and dancer, he has since performed in many shows and musicals around the country and abroad, sometimes managing guest artists as well. He has starred in TV commercials and left his imprint in almost every Japanese media; his name is synonym of tango in Japan. He is also the founder of TANGO XXI and alma-mater of Zero Hour, the most successful and populated milonga in Tokyo, widely celebrated as the most authentic. Today, he keeps setting the highest standard in both stage and salón tango